Building this website
How/Why/What next?
January 27, 2023
Needed a place to publish stuff on the web, owned by me, and also something that I like.
Some background
I have been web-native since 2004. Started my first blog in maybe 2008, but I did join Orkut (the major social network at the time in India), and then Facebook. Never really stuck to blogging, as I jumped platforms - from a blogspot, to wordpress, to Ghost, and now finally building one from scratch using NextJS
The risk
I am very prone to over-engineering, and that was almost going to happen to this blog. But now I have decided to take an incremental approach to this. I have started with a tiny landing page, a minimal "notes" section, and that's about it
What next
There are lots of things I want to do with this site, some are also tracked in a private repo's github issues. Maybe I'll make it public at some point. But here's a random list:
- Better landing page - better content and navigation
- Better explaniation of notes vs blog posts
- Better search/filter/tagging
- RSS feeds
- SEO/images per blog post/notes
- A 2-way linking method using slugs + metadata that tracks a page's local inbound/outbound links
- Webmentions
- Better editing experience
- Link to Roam/some other data source
- A 'books' page with Goodreads data pulled in
- ... and more!